• These regions have been identified, following a paralytic form caused by an unpredictable climate pattern that results in disasters such as drought and floods, seeding a lack of nutritious food.
  • Therefore, the World Food Programme outshines its benevolence by adequately touching base on emergency response, cash-based transfers, gender equality, nutrition, social protection, climate action, and school-based programmes.

Being the largest humanitarian organization in the world, its actions speak loudest. World Food Programme (WFP) takes delight in bringing life-saving solace in emergencies, paving the way towards peace, steadiness and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, calamities, and climate change impacts.

WFP has spread its humanitarian wings over challenged regions in Kenya, including Northern Kenya, semi-arid parts of Nyanza, Mount Kenya and upper eastern regions.

These regions have been identified, following a paralytic form caused by an unpredictable climate pattern that results in disasters such as drought and floods, seeding a lack of nutritious food.

The organization has ensured its presence is felt in Migori, Garissa, and Tana River counties with the introduction of the Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes (OFSP) in efforts to supplement other foods children eat in schools.

Under the OFSP project, WFP, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, has seen to it that the stomachs of about 1.6 million pupils are full during school hours. This has decreased the number of child dropouts and reduced child labor.

The corporation has additionally held the hands of women in Wajir, supporting them in their journey of transition from their pastoralist’ roots into embracing agriculture. They have been provided with assorted seeds and harvesting equipment.

As if not enough, WFP has boosted these farmers with solar-powered irrigation systems, forging a means for year-round cultivation. They have been filled with appreciation, seeing they have found a name, a livelihood and a promise for a resilient and diversified future for their communities.

This company of goodwill has further strengthened the regional platform by training the people of Isiolo County in integration, counseling, and agri-nutrition transfer. This puts the region on the path towards innovation and pliability in food production.

Therefore, the World Food Programme outshines its benevolence by adequately touching base on emergency response, cash-based transfers, gender equality, nutrition, social protection, climate action, and school-based programmes.