• The draft plan, presented during a stakeholder validation workshop in Nairobi on August 5, 2024, envisages a vision of "a clean, healthy and sustainably managed environment for a prosperous nation."

In a move to strengthen its efforts to safeguard Kenya's environment, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has developed a comprehensive draft Strategic Plan 2023-2027 that outlines a clear blueprint and policy framework to guide its work over the next five years.

The draft plan, presented during a stakeholder validation workshop in Nairobi on August 5, 2024, envisages a vision of "a clean, healthy and sustainably managed environment for a prosperous nation." This will be delivered through the identification of five strategic issues that NEMA aims to tackle: climate change, ecological integrity of ecosystems, environmental pollution, green and circular economy, and institutional capacity.

"We have developed a clear blue print and a policy framework to guide our work incorporated in the draft Strategic Plan 2023-2027. We have also identified our strengths, weakness and opportunities to enhance quality of environment," said Mamo B. Mamo, the Director General of NEMA, during the workshop.

The draft plan, developed through a consultative and participatory process, aligns with various national, regional, and international development priorities and frameworks, including the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the African Union Agenda 2063, and the East Africa Community Vision 2050.

"This draft plan is aligned to the guidelines from the National Treasury and Economic Planning for preparing Fifth-Generation Strategic Plans. It takes cognizance of international, regional and national development priorities and frameworks," said Sophia Matura, the Vice Chair of the NEMA Board, who represented the NEMA Chairman during the event.

The stakeholder validation workshop, which brought together representatives from various government agencies, civil society organizations, and private sector players, provided a platform for key stakeholders to review and provide input on the draft plan.