• The Introduction of modern mass-production electric vehicles is seen as a milestone towards zero emissions but are we lying to ourselves? Over 60% of global electricity is still produced from fossil fuels despite the combative adoption of renewable sources by all major economies.

Governments across the world have been pushing for the adoption of electric vehicles in a bid to cut emissions and their contribution to climate change. But the question remains: are electric vehicles the solution or is it just pretend?

Well before the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, which through a scientific consensus recognized that global warming was indeed occurring as a result of human activities and bound parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stringent emission regulations already existed in the automotive scene.

It was a requirement that manufacturers fit their vehicles with emission control devices in a bid to cut CO2 emissions.

The modern Internal Combustion Engine as we know it, has come a long way; from being fitted with hydrocarbon ventilation devices, to exhaust soot traps, catalytic converters and even Exhaust Gas Recirculation systems (EGR valves).

From an average of 48 grams of Carbon monoxide emitted per kilometer by the average car in 1963 to 0.02 grams per kilometer emitted by the modern car, the Internal combustion engine has never been safer.

The Introduction of modern mass-production electric vehicles is seen as a milestone towards zero emissions but are we lying to ourselves? Over 60% of global electricity is still produced from fossil fuels despite the combative adoption of renewable sources by nearly all major economies.

The Government of Kenya, like every other major economy, has been pushing for the adoption of electrically-propelled modes of transport to the extent of Zero rating their supply in the proposed 2024 finance bill. This ‘rush’ move to pick on fuel-run automobiles by introducing additional taxes to their supply raises a load of questions.

It is time we ask ourselves the tough questions: Are electric vehicles really zero emissions if 60% of global electricity is still generated from fossil fuels? Is the adoption of electric vehicles just a plot to move emissions from the prime mover to a bigger power plant? If the majority of electric vehicles aren’t running on renewably sourced electricity, is it just pretend?