• These magnificent creatures are true guardians of the ocean, playing a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of marine environments.

As the world prepares to mark World Sea Turtle Day on June 16, 2024, the fight to keep green sea turtles from the brink of extinction has never been more critical. This annual observance serves as a vital reminder of the importance of protecting these remarkable creatures and the delicate marine ecosystems they help sustain.

According to the Environmental Capacity and Sustainability (ECAS) institute, rising global temperatures driven by climate change pose a grave threat to the population of green sea turtles along Kenya's coastline.

This is a deeply troubling development, as green turtles have been designated as an endangered species since 1982 due to a range of human-caused threats.

The ECAS report reveals a particularly alarming trend - warmer temperatures are causing a staggering 90% of green turtle hatchlings to be female. This gender imbalance jeopardizes the survival of future generations, as an insufficient number of male turtles will be available to maintain a healthy breeding population.

The consequences of this climate-driven crisis extend far beyond the green turtle itself. These magnificent creatures are true guardians of the ocean, playing a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of marine environments.

By grazing on seagrass beds, green turtles prevent overgrowth and ensure these vital habitats remain healthy and vibrant. Seagrass meadows, in turn, serve as nurseries for countless other marine species and act as significant carbon sinks, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Worryingly, green turtles face a multitude of other threats, including habitat destruction, bycatch from fishing operations, and poaching. Tackling these intertwined challenges will require a comprehensive, collaborative effort from policymakers, conservation groups, and coastal communities.

As we approach World Sea Turtle Day, it is crucial that we amplify the urgency of protecting green turtles and the delicate ecosystems they sustain. By raising awareness, supporting conservation initiatives, and advocating for stronger environmental protections, we can work to tip the scales in favor of these remarkable creatures and safeguard the health of our oceans for generations to come.

The fate of green turtles is inextricably linked to the future of our blue planet. Safeguarding their survival is not just a noble cause, but a crucial imperative for the wellbeing of our shared marine home.