- I want you to take a moment and imagine how the world looked like when the first humans walked it. There was no civilization then, just nature everywhere.
Have you ever taken a walk, and observed how beautiful planet earth is? I am sure you have. I recently took a walk somewhere in Rift Valley, Kenya. Actually, the location is not relevant. We are in the same location, right? We are all here on earth.
Back to the story! We are living in paradise, which we are sadly not appreciating. Or maybe we do not know its value?
First of all, Earth is a mother. You know how your mother has been there for you, feeding you, giving you a home, and most importantly, nurturing you, ensuring you are at your best? Earth is our mother regardless of tribe, race, country, continent. You name it.
But we have let our actions make mother Earth retaliate. Rising global temperatures, poor air quality, floods, drought, are the new normal. We even have sections in our newspapers specifically for spreading awareness on climate change. Can you see the magnitude of the situation?
Global leaders are constantly convening to come up with ways to heal the planet. Some of them are being held to finance the climate.
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How do we heal something natural with money? It doesn’t make sense at all. Think about it.
It is until the human race understands that we are on the journey to extinction, that they will start taking climate action seriously.
I want you to take a moment and imagine how the world looked like when the first humans walked it. There was no civilization then, just nature everywhere.
History books have shown that they found a way to live without any civilization. But civilization has become the mother of destruction.
For centuries, humans have destroyed the Earth by hiving off forests, which have been homes to different species.
Destroying trees to make room for agriculture is one of the justifications that humans have been using as an excuse. But can agroecology solve that problem? Yes. It is a matter of choice. You can choose not to cut trees. You can also decide to grow trees alongside crops.
Still on the matter of deforestation, humans have burnt forests, to clear land for agriculture. This does not only result in the rotting of the residues, but it also eliminates its role as a natural carbon sink.
Choose your actions wisely today, you may be saving the next generation from the wrath of an ailing planet.