• The Interior CS alluded to the added advantage to the neighboring community since the move would improve the security conditions of the area.
  • The administration also plans to establish recreation facilities on the riparian reserve, open to members of the public at no cost.

Interior Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Kithure Kindiki, has spearheaded the rehabilitation of the Nairobi rivers ecosystem, aiming to prevent a similar unfortunate ordeal caused by the recent nationwide torrential floods.

As a result of residing dangerously close to the riverside reserves of Nairobi, Mathare and Ngong rivers, individuals faced displacement, loss of lives and property.

Kindiki acknowledged the Government’s appreciation of the citizens who cooperated in evacuating the individuals residing in the riparian areas. He confirmed the Government’s efforts in relocating 40,000 households, which translated to 181,000 people from the danger zone.

He additionally mentioned that the affected families will be given first priority in the Affordable Housing Programme. This comes after the Government fulfilled the commitment to support each household with ksh 10,000 to facilitate their quest to find alternative rental premises.

The CS indicated the prohibition of building houses within a 30-metre proximity to the passageway. This, he said, not only exposes the residents to grave danger, but also results in clogging the rivers. Culprits would be legally liable.

He hinted at the Government’s measures to ensure citizens abide by the regulations in force.

“To prevent re-encroachment, the reclaimed riparian reserves are being trenched, fenced and the planting of riverine ecosystem trees is underway. The Government will utilize paid labor from local community and purchase seedlings from local Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and youth groups in the reclamation and regeneration of the riparian corridor ecosystem,” he said in a statement on X.

The administration also plans to establish recreation facilities on the riparian reserve, open to members of the public at no cost.

The Interior CS alluded to the added advantage to the neighboring community since the move would improve the security conditions of the area.

“The reclamation of Nairobi Rivers Ecosystem will boost security for communities living around, eliminate the menace of illicit alcohol brewing, narcotic drugs peddling, and flush out dangerous criminals who were using the encroached riparian corridors as their hideouts,” he added.