• According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), children are disproportionately impacted by the changing climate. 

Former US (United States) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, through the new Clinton Foundation initiative ‘Too Small to Fail,’ has urged Hollywood writers and producers to increase their focus on the impacts of climate change on children in their films and television shows.

This, she says, is a way of helping people understand the effects of climate change on children.

 “Our hope is that we can help people make the connections between children’s mental and physical health and the impact of climate change,” she said in an interview.

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), children are disproportionately impacted by the changing climate.

They are more susceptible to health issues stemming from increased exposure to toxic chemicals, temperature extremes, and emerging infectious diseases. Climate change is also disrupting child development, with growing evidence that brain, lung, and immune system functions can be negatively affected by the environmental conditions children are facing.

Furthermore, the climate crisis is exacerbating the global child malnutrition crisis as crop failures and food insecurity become more common. When natural disasters strike, children's education is often severely disrupted, hampering their long-term prospects.

Climate activists have long called for greater representation of youth voices and perspectives in discussions around climate change, which is now a global issue.