• These biodiversity ‘mothers’ are restricted in numbers, as they are less than 11% globally. However, they have used this as a driving power to strive and push the numbers sky-high.

Wildlife has faced an array of threats emanating from human encroachment, a situation that has demanded a bridge between them. Rangers have taken this critical responsibility by holding the interests of both parties at heart.

A touch of feminine vigor has occasioned a significant impact on park protection and community outreach, as they can efficiently play on both sides of the field; courtesy of their ‘multi-tasking’ ability.

Rangers are mandated with locating and removing snares and traps set for animals, they conduct anti-poaching and anti-trafficking patrols, and they also work with communities in raising awareness on wildlife protection.

Game rangers additionally collect vital information on endangered species, propelling the rescue attempts for these treasures. Therefore, without them, there would be no hope for critically endangered animals like elephants and rhinos.

These biodiversity ‘mothers’ are restricted in numbers, as they are less than 11% globally. However, they have used this as a driving power to strive and push the numbers sky-high.

Through adequate training, determination and passion for their venture, they efficiently respond to human-wildlife conflict with aid from wildlife scouts and game wardens.

June 23rd to 30th has been termed World Female Rangers Week to commemorate these wonderful women who have been on the frontline protecting breathtaking landscapes and iconic wildlife, putting their lives on the line.

This period has been set aside to acknowledge their efforts despite exposure to dangers like heavily armed and organized poachers, encounters with distressed animals, manoeuvring on dangerous and harsh landscapes, and working under gruelling conditions due to extreme weather during long and arduous hours.

Holly Budge, Founder of How Many Elephants and World Female Ranger Week, has shown her admiration, saying, “These women are proving to be highly successful, as they ease local tension and strengthen relationships within their communities. This is the start of a long-standing campaign to support gender equality in conservation efforts across the globe.”

Several devotees who have expressed their appreciation include:


This World Female Rangers Week, we celebrate and salute all the brave women safeguarding our wildlife and natural resources. Thank you for your unwavering dedication!


It’s World Female Ranger Week! Today, we salute the brilliant work done by our female rangers, past, present, and future, who are making a profound impact in the field of conservation.