• The book explores the science of global warming, expounding on the rise in global temperatures and the human activities that have exacerbated the crisis.
  • It highlights the human environmental footprint, from the widespread use of fossil fuels to transportation, manufacturing, waste disposal, agriculture, and energy generation.

In the face of the global climate crisis, the onus falls on all of us to take action. Human beings, who have been at the forefront of causing climate change, are also tasked with leading climate action. On July 8, 2024, the Kenya Alliance for Resident Associations (KARA) took a significant step towards mobilizing citizen-led climate action by launching a comprehensive handbook on combating the effects of climate change.

According to Richard Nyaga, the Chairman of KARA, climate change should be made a priority since its effects are crippling the planet in many ways.

"Climate change presents one of the greatest challenges of our time. Its impacts are profound, affecting our environment, economies, and most importantly, the well-being of every living being on this planet. It is a challenge that demands urgent and concerted action from all of us as individuals, communities, and nations," declared Richard Nyaga.

The publication, developed through collaboration between KARA and the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Kenya, aims to inspire and empower Kenyan citizens to respond to the pressing challenges posed by climate change, such as drought and floods.

"The handbook is more than just a book; it is a tool for empowerment and action. It seeks to empower every citizen with knowledge and practical steps to contribute meaningfully to the fight against climate change," Nyaga explained.

The book explores the science of global warming, expounding on the rise in global temperatures and the human activities that have exacerbated the crisis. It highlights the human environmental footprint, from the widespread use of fossil fuels to transportation, manufacturing, waste disposal, agriculture, and energy generation.

Furthermore, the book explores the far-reaching effects of climate change on various sectors, including wildlife, tourism, livestock, tree cover, and food production. The handbook empowers readers to make informed decisions and take concrete actions by painting a comprehensive picture of the challenges.

"Whether you are a student, parent, business owner, or policymaker, this handbook equips you with information and resources to make informed decisions and take concrete actions," added Nyaga.

The launch of the KARA climate change handbook comes at a critical time as the world grapples with the escalating consequences of global warming.