• These biodiversity keepers ensure the preservation of natural treasures, marine life, and cultural heritage. They could be state-employed personnel, indigenous people, or even voluntary guardians.

The wellness and sustenance of wildlife heavily relies on the goodwill of the few individuals branded as game rangers. They outplay their responsibilities by adequately protecting, conserving, monitoring, and educating the masses on the benefits of a healthy natural ecosystem to the community.

These biodiversity keepers ensure the preservation of natural treasures, marine life, and cultural heritage. They could be state-employed personnel, indigenous people, or even voluntary guardians.

The nature of their work exposes them to risks, such as operating under challenging and dangerous conditions. Rangers often encounter aggressive wild animals or poacher traps, an ordeal that perpetrates injuries and, often, loss of life.

July 31 is set aside to commemorate the sacrifice and commitment they portray and mourn the fallen rangers. The date is designated following the establishment of the International Ranger Federation (IRF) on July 31, 1992.

This particular day is significant, seeing that these are the few human beings diverting from the lot who throw caution to the wind, matters Earth’s welfare.

Rangers are at the forefront, leading the march towards actualizing the 2024 theme (30 by 30) based on the 2022 United Nations (UN) Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15). It illuminates the exigency that at least 30% of Earth is effectively conserved and managed by 2030.

Chris Galliers, President of IRF, has wished all rangers a happy World Ranger Day and hinted at a constructive meet-up during the World Ranger Congress, which will be held in France in October 2024.

“Throughout the Congress of the parties (COP16) taking place later in October, we are going to see the transition from agreements to actions. International Ranger Federation calls on the world community to look at investing in the ranger workforce,” he said.

Kenya Wildlife Service has also acknowledged the wisdom and pledge of rangers, stating, “From the depths of the forests to the peaks of the mountains and the vast savannah, their relentless work ensures that Kenya’s natural treasures thrive for generations to come. Let’s celebrate our conservation heroes!”