• Experts say that climate change may be a contributing factor to these climatic conditions.

As the world gears up to celebrate World Environment Day on June 5, 2024, Africa faces a harsh reality. The effects of climate change may be an attributing factor to the continent's backward trajectory in terms of development.

As per the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) latest report, the continent is warming faster than the global average, a trend likely to bring devastating impacts, from extreme rainfall to drought to coastal flooding.

We have already seen the preview of what is to come. Since March 2024, the East African nations, along with their neighbours, have been overwhelmed by floods that have claimed lives, displaced families and destroyed property.

Experts say that climate change may be a contributing factor to these climatic conditions.

In the face of this looming crisis, Kenya and other African nations must prioritize climate change adaptation. Adaptation will reduce the vulnerability of the countries and communities to climate change impacts.

This will be essential to the continent’s ability to withstand and recover from the challenges that lie ahead.

One approach that is promising is the nature based solutions. Such strategies harness the power to address the effects of climate change. Restoring degraded landscapes, expanding forests as well as protecting ecosystems can help mitigate the risks.

This aligns perfectly with the theme of this year's World Environment Day campaign - "Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration." As the AU Commission chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat noted during Africa Day, the deterioration of Africa's climate is a crucial obstacle to reaching its full potential. Investing in nature-based adaptation is a vital step forward.

As Kenya and the rest of Africa mark World Environment Day on June 5, it must be a clarion call to action. The time is now to prioritize climate adaptation and leverage the power of nature to secure a resilient future for the continent.