• Planting trees doesn’t have to involve transforming grasslands into forests. Maintaining the purpose of tree planting is important as trees are not the only carbon sinks.

Planting trees is known as one of the ways to restore biodiversity and decrease the effects of climate change by acting as carbon sinks. This process, which can be undertaken even at an individual level, involves more than just planting trees.

A publication by the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) outlines the principles of successful planting.

The principles, other than sharing insights on the process of tree planting also highlight the considerations necessary to ensure the best possible outcome.

1. It Starts with the Seed

This is the first step of tree planting where one ought to consider the location for planting the tree, the species to plant as well as how to source planting materials.

2. Planting using diverse species

Planting a variety of species improves biodiversity and builds ecological resilience. For someone planning to plant trees, there is the question of whether to plant trees of native species or introduced species.

Native species bolster biodiversity by providing homes for native animals and plants.

3. Being Mindful of Non-Forest Ecosystem

Planting trees doesn’t have to involve transforming grasslands into forests. Maintaining the purpose of tree planting is important as trees are not the only carbon sinks.
Grasslands also serve important functions and shouldn’t be converted to forests.

4. Rebuilding Multi-Purpose Landscapes

Forests offers much more benefits than just acting as carbon sinks. They can be grown as fruit trees, can produce nuts, woods, support livelihoods, improve soil nutrition as well as regulate the water cycle.

Therefore, choosing to combine tree planting with agriculture can make the most of the forest’s functions. Killing two birds with one stone, right?

5. Engaging stakeholders

This is where the whole process of tree planting requires a joint effort, in terms of seed sourcing and tree nurturing. It involves a collaborative effort of seed custodians, small scale nursery networks, non-governmental organizations, businesses, governments as well as international governments.

6. Planning with People in Mind

Tree planting should be based on expressed demand of future beneficiaries of tree planting and not short term project production of seeds and seedlings. The focus should be on how such projects will affect the communities.

7. Considering Natural Regeneration vs. Planting

Consider factors like how assisting forests to grow back naturally is better for forest restoration